Thursday, May 8, 2014

Homework and Grading

@Katie Casanova, so how is that grading coming?

Homework and grading was a HOT topic at my last Master class.  

I have always thought there needs to be a good balance to how much and what type of homework needs to be sent home.  As a third grader teacher, I require my students to do a math assignment twice a week to practice what we have learned in class (practice, practice, practice is my motto), to study their spelling words for the Friday test, and nightly reading of 20 pages.  The conversation had and reading the article, really made me think.  In the article Rethinking Homework by Alfie Kohn, he states that there are negative effects of homework like frustration, lack of time for other activities and possible loss of interest in learning.  He also states that there is no evidence of any academic benefit from assigning homework in elementary or middle school.  This really made me think.  I felt I was helping my students learn responsibility of accomplishing a goal outside of school.  Besides being a teacher,  I am a mother of two different girls.  One can get her homework done in 10 minutes and the other one, takes hours to get it done.  I find this frustrating as a mom!  With all this new information it has changed my thinking of what to assign for my students at school! 

What are your thoughts about homework?

If you are interested in reading the article is a link to the website:

Friday, May 2, 2014

Get your kids moving with Go Noodle

It has been proven that active kids are healthier and learn better!  I was introduced to a site called Go Noodle.  It is site that is free and easy to use.  You need a computer hooked up to a smart board or projector. The site is full of quick and fun brain breaks that the kids just love.   As they move/exercise they get to earn minutes and grow their class champ!  There are calming, energizing, (introduced by Olympic athletes) and focus activities.  My kids loved doing the many different activities the past few days.  They ask to do more!!!  Check it out!  Your kids might enjoy this too! 


Thursday, May 1, 2014


I started something new and fun with my class to help with the end of the year behaviors that seem to arise.  It is called   What is Class DoJo?  It is a real time behavioral management and skill tracking tool that is easy to setup, easy to use and completely FREE!  It helps improve behavior and build strong learning habits.  It helps engage students effortlessly.  It tracks data with no date entry required.  It gives the students immediate feedback to improve behavior.  And my favorite part, it focuses on building positive behavior rather than punishing and disciplining.   I started using this in my classroom on Monday of this week.  I wanted to try it before blogging about it. I can say that I have had great success with it!  My kids are loving it!   As a class, we set up awards for different point values.  I  Here is a link if you would like to check it out yourself...