Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Author Visit

David LaRochelle
David LaRochelle
A Minnesota author and Illustrator 

Our students at HOTL had the best presentation from a Minnesota author/illustrator, David LaRochelle on Tuesday.  David LaRochelle kept the students engaged throughout the whole hour.  He started his presentation by drawing the number 1-10 on his large chart paper.  He proceeded to tell and draw a story out of the numbers, about how you can't give a monkey a book!   The students were in awe!  
He taught the students how you can never give up by telling how he waited 6 1/2 years to get one of his books published.  David shared with the students a writing that he wrote back in 2nd grade...the special thing about this writing was that the teacher had kept it all these years and mailed to him when he began a teacher! How cool is that?  
He talked about the process of writing a "sloppy copy" and editing it over and over again to make it write. Showing them his work.  His teachings fit perfect to what we teach in our classrooms.  

Some of the books that he has written: 
Best Pet of All         How Martha Saved Her Parents From Green Beans     Moo!    Arlo's Artrageous Adventure

Here is link to learn more about David LaRochelle.  Check it out! 

So with hearing how wonderful his presentation is for our students, I suggest you check him out.  Maybe you can have the same great experience and have him present at your school!   


  1. Wow…very cool. So great for the students and staff. Inspirational.

  2. I love his story about his teacher sending his second grade writing to him! That's amazing! I know that my students need more inspiration when it comes to writing. Writing is difficult. What do you think were some things that were key to your students that they took away with them?

    1. The biggest thing that I feel the students took away from his presentation is to never give up, keep on trying! Also writing takes time, need to revise/edit.

  3. What an awesome experience for both students and teachers! I also have a hard time getting my students to want to write. Did David touch at all about how he developed his love for writing?

    1. He never did tell us about why he started to write.

  4. What a great time that must have been. Writing can be a daunting task, hopefully he showed some of your students that writing can be fun and enjoyable.

    1. He did show the students how writing can be fun! The kids were amazed!
