Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

It's great to be back into the classroom again!  My kids are so full of life and energy.  I just love it!!  Happy New Year everyone!
To start our 2015 year, we did a project that I found on Scholastic called New's Year Resolution Time Capsule .   We have talked a lot about goal setting.  It is that time of the year to set some new goals for ourselves.  I followed the lesson and had my students fill out the sheet that was provided.  We didn't share our resolutions at this time.  We are saving that until we decide to open at the end of school in May.  
The kids loved that idea of wrapping the box and keeping their goals a secret!  It was a great way to open up our first day back and include setting some new goals for ourselves!


  1. What a cool idea. What a great way to end the year as a student. By being able to look back at your goal and knowing that you accomplished it. Very rewarding!

  2. I love your idea! I've tried it a few times, but never knew what to do with them once they were done! Save them for a whole year? Not! Opening them at the end of the school year is a good idea. Let us know how the kids reacted!

  3. What a fun idea! We always do a little handout where kids choose a few goals that they want to accomplish during the new year. It will be so much fun for kids to open their time capsules in May. I agree with Rebecca, let us know how the opening goes!
